What is Futuristic Farming?

With the development of agricultural technology, it is becoming more and more essential to increase productivity and profitability and consider long-term yields in agricultural management, and “Agrivoltaics” has been attracting even more attention, as it combines the businesses of food and energy to realize stable agricultural operations.
Agrivoltaics is a system in which solar panels are installed on farmland to regulate the amount of sunlight that falls on crops, allowing them to grow in the right amount of sunlight while at the same time generating clean energy through solar power generation.
It goes without saying that agriculture plays a leading role in agrivoltaics, and it is necessary to recognize that “agriculture first” means that not only crops but also clean energy can be generated by utilizing farmland in a three-dimensional way.
It is important to make effective use of farmland as a mechanism to stabilize agricultural operations, rather than occupying land for the sole purpose of generating electricity and using it 100% for solar power generation, as is the case with open-air mega-solar power plants.
As a pioneer in the agrivoltaics business, we operate a demonstration farm, SUN Farm Ichihara, in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, which has been visited by many companies and individuals interested in future-style agriculture.
Fruit tree cultivation with agrivoltaics

- 土壌乾燥防止、作物葉焼け実割れ防止
- 炎天下での作業が楽
- 防風・鳥獣ネット設置に支柱が役立つ
- 冬野菜を霜から救う
- エネルギーと食両方の自給自足が可能
Five benefits of installing agrivoltaics system, presence of panels at height of more than 3 m above the ground with moderate light shielding ratio;
- Prevention of soil drying, prevention of crop leaf burn and fruit cracking
- Easier to work in hot weather
- The support poles are useful for wind protection and bird netting
- Saving winter vegetables from frost
- Self-sufficiency in both energy and food is possible.
The most important of these benefits is that it can be a source of not only energy but also food in the event of a disaster that disrupts the local power infrastructure and logistics network.
Berry fruit trees such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, which are native to North America and are representative of shade trees, are an excellent match for agrivoltaics, and can create the best environment for crop growth with a shading rate of about 40%.
The electricity generated from the sunlight that is not needed for growing crops can be sold through FIT or PPA as well as used for self consumption, and the crops can be grown in the right amount of sunlight, resulting in a stable harvest that exactly “kill two birds with one stone”.
In addition to the aforementioned blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, we are also growing olives, figs, Japanese pepper, limes, and other fruit trees with agrivoltaics.
Attractiveness of beekeeping with agrivoltaics

(1) 強すぎる日差しをカットできる
(2) 風雨から蜂を守ることができる
(3) 分蜂群が遠くへ行かない
There are three major advantages to beekeeping with agrivoltaics :
(1) It can cut down on excessive sunlight
It is effective in avoiding the temperature rise of the hive due to the strong summer sun, and at the same time, it allows workers to work comfortably in the shade.
(2) Bees can be protected from wind and rain
This is especially effective against sideways rain, and reduces the possibility of mold and mite infestation by preventing rainwater from penetrating through the hive gate.
(3) Bee groups do not travel far
The use of poles surrounded by windbreak nets will reduce the risk of losing the bee colony by preventing the bees from moving too far away.
It is important to note that since agrivortaics requires the harvesting of agricultural crops, it is not possible to apply to the Board of Agriculture for beekeeping alone, so it must be incorporated into the farming plan while considering the combination of crops, mainly fruit trees.
Generally, farmers who grow fruit trees purchase a swarm of bees from a supplier at the time of flowering, and kill all the bees as soon as pollination is complete. Actually, we could not bear to kill the bees, so decided to start beekeeping.
With the recent focus on domestically produced natural honey, the combination of beekeeping and agrivoltaics orchards could become a major attraction in the region to stimulate inbound demand, not to mention the creation of high unit price, high value-added products under your own brand.
Attractiveness of Natural Farming

As a demonstration farm for futuristic agriculture, SUN Farm Ichihara has started a new challenge: natural farming without using any pesticides or chemical fertilizers, following hydroponics using agri-voltaics, nutrient pot cultivation, mycorrhizal bed cultivation, aquaponics, and beekeeping.
Natural farming is a style of agriculture that is completely different from the conventional farming methods that dominate the mainstream in Japan (including organic farming methods such as JAS, which is in the minority), and it is a method of cultivating seasonal crops suited to the climate by making maximum use of the power of the earth and rainwater, in other words, the blessings of nature, without using any pesticides or fertilizers.
The fields, where various grasses and insects coexist, are more like a microcosmic SATOYAMA (: Undeveloped woodland near populated area) than a ordinary cultivated land, and your can feel some pleasant sensation of being refreshed.
Customers Voice
The Need for Solar Sharing in Society
The CEO, who has been involved in real estate management for nearly half a century and has a deep knowledge of management of agricultural corporations, talked about why agrivoltaics is necessary in the coming era.
Solar Sharing and Agricultural Management
A businessman who quit his job and started agrivoltaics talks about the best part of solar sharing.
Solar Sharing and Restaurant Management
The owner, who serves fresh vegetables and eggs harvested with agrivoltaics at his restaurant talked about the benefits of agrivoltaics.
Visitors from Overseas and Japan

Visits by government officials from Eastern European countries

Visits by Chinese companies

Coverage from national and international media

Tours by UK land developers

Inspection by Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Korea

Inspection by the Minister’s Office, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Consulting Services

近年に於いては、RE100やESG投資の高まりなどを受けて注目を集めており、アグリボルタイクス(ソーラーシェアリング)を活用したPPA(Power Purchase Agreement)ビジネスの可能性が高まりつつあります。
We are one of the few companies that can provide a full range of support from sales and marketing, consulting including applications to the government, provision of know-how including hydroponics, natural farming, and design & construction. We have been involved in more than 100 agrivoltaic projects throughout Japan, mainly in the Kanto region.
In recent years, the potential of PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) business using agrivoltaics has been increasing, as it has been attracting attention in the wake of RE100 and the rise of ESG investment.
We have concluded several consulting contracts with individuals and companies that are considering investing in the agrivoltaics business, and the causality and knowledge that we have accumulated on our own have been well received.
We also disclose for a fee the various efforts we have made at our test farms, including trials and errors, and we have received the following comments from many of the people who have participated in our farm tours;
I was able to see the various facilities and reconfirm the future of agriculture and the direction in which I am heading toward building my own business model.
It was very informative and a good opportunity for our company to focus on “food and energy” in the future.
I saw the excellent facilities and felt that it was an ideal environment. I was also impressed by how you are exploring and responding to various issues.
I was impressed by your company’s efforts. I was impressed by your approach, which is not only a solution for agriculture and energy, but also for the revitalization of the community.
Thank you very much for your explanation at the farm, it was more than worth the price.