“Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves.”
~Norm Franz
「負債は奴隷の通貨である」と言われても、何のことかわからない人が殆どではないでしょうか。 ここでいうところの「負債」とはフィアットカレンシー、所謂物質的裏付けがないマネーのことを主に指していますが、株式や債券といった金融商品化された借金も含まれます。
Most people might do not understand the meaning those words of ‘debt is the money of slave’. The term ‘debt’ here mainly refers to fiat currency, so-called money without material backing, but it also includes debt that has been converted into financial instruments such as shares and bonds.
The overwhelming majority of people still seem to consider that financial assets are a symbol of wealth, but what a pity it would be if what they have worked so hard to acquire by grinding their bodies and souls in order to lead rich lives is in fact debt.
Real wealth is nothing other than living a down-to-earth life in harmony with great nature, helping each other in the community to build a peaceful and prosperous society, and being healthy in both physically and mentally.