正に光陰矢の如し、2024年も幕を閉じ、2025年がスタートしました。 昨年は農園オペレーション改革に明け暮れた年であり、公私ともに多くの「別れ」があった1年でしたが、全体的には次なるステージへ向けてパラダイムシフトが大きく進んでいる状況となっています。
世界中で既存の価値観や考え方が大きな音を立てて崩れ去っている中、今年も大きな衝撃波に次々と晒されることになるでしょう。 我々を取り巻く環境も刻一刻と変化している折、平和で繁栄した地域社会を確立する為の知恵と勇気がこれまで以上に必要とされています。
Time really flies as they say, the year 2024 has come to an end and the year 2025 has begun. 2024 was a year of farm operation reforms and there were many “farewells” on both business and private, but overall, we are now in a situation where a paradigm shift is making great progress toward the next stage.
As existing values and ways of thinking are crumbling dramatically in all over the world, we will be exposed to a series of major shock waves this year as well. The environment surrounding us is changing so rapidly that we need wisdom and courage more than ever in order to establish peaceful and prosperous communities.
This year, we will continue to show no sign of wavering in our belief that “securing safe food and energy is the keystone of life,” and we will strive to build the ideal community by utilizing natural farming and agrivoltaics.