The photograph shows a cross-section of abandoned paddy field adjacent to the agrivoltaics (solar sharing) test farm. The area between 30 cm and 55 cm below the ground surface (25 cm thick layer) is a blue-grey ploughed layer with a rotten smell, sometimes called a ‘hard bed’ or ‘impermeable layer’ because of the stiff clayey texture with few gaps that make it difficult for water and air to pass through. Of course, the soil is probably suitable for waterlogged rice cultivation, but as a field, it is almost impossible to utilize the farmland as it is due to poor drainage.
In addition, no matter how good the soil is as a field, as long as it is ploughed by machinery, the more times it is ploughed, the harder the ploughing beds are formed. In other words, when tillage is carried out with agricultural machinery, a hard ploughing layer is created just below the crop soil due to the pressurization of the machinery itself and the agglomeration of soil clay. In the case of field crops, the hard tillage layer can inhibit root growth and water supply from the lower layers, making them more susceptible to drought damage. It has also been pointed out that cattle manure, chemical fertilizers and pesticides do not decompose underground and harden into contaminants, which lead to the formation of the tillage layer.
If you look closely again at the plough layer, you see that there are no shadows of living things there. It seems to be a dead world without air or water. The stratum below, which is cut off from the air from the ground by the plough layer, also seems to be screaming.
For those of us who aim to integrate agrivoltaics (solar sharing) and natural farming, the revival of abandoned farmland, which is increasing year by year, is an unavoidable proposition. This year, we will continue our activities to give life to abandoned land through natural cultivation and so-called ‘ethical’ farming methods, which do not use any agricultural machinery such as tractors, pesticides or chemical fertilizers.