We the people【BLOG】

“One thing is clear: The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government.”

~Ron Paul~



主役は我々市井の民(We the people)であり、ひとりひとりがLOHAS(Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability)的な考え方に基づき、Transparency(透明性)を重視した平和で繁栄した地域社会を構築する時代が本格的に到来しつつあるように思えます。

When I was still a university student, I once heard an American saying that “a hypocrite is a person who pays taxes with a smile on his/her face,” which I think sounds pretty apt (although I did not understand the meaning well at that time).

In view of the current world trend, it is expected that many political and religious organizations, government offices, corporations, and legacy (old) media that have no reason to exist will disappear one after another in an increasingly flattened society. At the same time, it means that there will be an increase in the number of free and fair communities that think about and promote the management of organizations based on the spirit of mutual support.

We the people are the main players, and it seems that the era of building a peaceful and prosperous community based on LOHAS (Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability) and emphasizing transparency has arrived.

