“Violence is the tool of the state. Knowledge and the mind are the tools of free people.”
~Lew Rockwell
It is the same in all ages and cultures that people who are skilled at feeding on the blood of others rather than creating something or contributing to productive activities nest and reproduce in the power structure. As they cannot survive if they give up their vested interests, “enforcement power (violence)” as a last resort becomes their lifeline.
In contrast, the “free and independent” who can stand on their own feet and shape their own destiny rely on “wisdom and a noble spirit“.
A country (or region) with a high ratio of public servants to the population (with big government), ad hoc policies, and regulations that are so restrictive that there are few free people (independent people) and the people are exhausted, is unfortunately doomed to a steady decline.
A country (or region) with a small government and a large number of free people (independent people) who conduct fair business and whose people are active will enjoy peace and prosperity, while a small but self-disciplined personality will be involved in the execution of the minimum necessary power.