Basic rule to lead a fulfilling life

Building Stage at age of 20’s

Most people make some career decision between the ages of 22 to 25 (after graduated the university). This will set you on the path of your first Building Stage. Few decisions will ever shape your future life more than who you choose to marry. To marry well, you must choose well.

Decided to live in overseas was my first turning point which was a critical time in my life where big decisions could lead to big change, both in work and in life.

Building stage at my age of 20’s was “learning with passion” to understand world outside as well as gaining the multilingual skill.

Building Stage at age of 30’s and 40’s

Whatever path chosen at the First Turning Point tends to continue for several years, you will likely reassess and reevaluate that path. Even if your first career choice was a good one, you will likely modify it here to enlarge it or expand it by starting a family or moving geographically, for instance.

Tapped into “Turn-around business” based on the knowledge and skill gained during my age of 20’s was my second turning point in my life.

Building stage at my age of 30’s and 40’s was accumulating not only invaluable experience with proven business track records but also some wealth.

Building Stage at age of 50’s

At this time of age around 50, you have reached the end of the second 20-year life structure. You must make major changes in direction and goals, and begin your third life structure. It is potentially a time of great integration, satisfaction, and happiness.

Now I’m fighting to empower myself as well as people to start world-changing small businesses because I believe the world is a better place when motivated, creative people work for themselves doing interesting things instead of helping giant corporations have no raison d’être.

Contribute to a better world by providing clean energy & healthy foods, that’s my creed.

-by Kenya IKUTSU
