Today, the small can be influential on a large scale, as it acts as a node in a global network. The local can break its isolation by being open to the global flow of people, ideas and information. In other words, we can say that today, in the networked society, the small is no longer small and the local is no longer local. The small and the local, when they are open and connected, can therefore become a design guideline for creating resilient systems and sustainable qualities, and a positive feedback loop between these systems.
~Ezio Manzini
SLOCとは、”Small Local Open & Connected”の略で、2010年頃から欧米を中心に広がりを見せつつある新しい生活様式の考え方です。
SLOC stands for “Small Local Open & Connected,” a new lifestyle concept that has been spreading in Europe since around 2010.
Imagine a small, local, when they are open and connected, can therefore become a design guideline for creating resilient systems and sustainable qualities, and a positive feedback loop between these systems, which are both ecological and sustainable in terms of clean energy and healthy food.
In terms of energy and food, the old centralized mass production and mass consumption are too costly in terms of loss and environmental impact, so we need a paradigm shift in our way of life to create a sustainable society.
The SLOC villages will be built at the grassroots level, with sensible and aware citizens in each region, and the local governments will support them wholeheartedly as “servants of the people” in order to create a peaceful and prosperous society.
As an agrivoltaics (solar-sharing) business professional, I strongly believe this SLOC will contribute to rebuilding the disturbed society of today.