LOHASとは、”Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability”の頭文字からなるもので、「健康で持続可能な生活様式」を意味します。
健康で持続可能な生活様式を追求していく中で5大マーケットが定義されており、それらは、Sustainable economy(持続可能な経済)、Healthy lifestyle(健康的なライフスタイル)、Alternative healthcare(代替医療)、Personal development(自己開発)、Ecological lifestyle(エコなライフスタイル)、それぞれの頭文字をとってSHAPEと呼ばれています。
Sustainable economyの代表格としては、グリーン都市計画、フェアトレード、等。
Healthy lifestyleの代表格としては、自然食品、オーガニック、ベジタリアン、等。
Alternative healthcareの代表格としては、ホメオパシー、自然治療、鍼治療、等。
Personal developmentの代表格としては、スピリチュアル、ヨガ、瞑想、アート、等。
Ecological lifestyleの代表格としては、環境配慮住宅、クリーンな代替エネルギー、等。
LOHAS is an acronym for “Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability” and means “healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
It is a term that refers to a lifestyle with a high awareness of “health and the global environment,” and was born in the late 1990s in the Boulder area of western Colorado in the U.S. In Japan, it has begun to attract attention as a term to describe a lifestyle since around 2004.
In the pursuit of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, five major markets have been defined (The acronym for each is called SHAPE):
Sustainable economy, Healthy lifestyle, Alternative healthcare, Personal development, and Ecological lifestyle.
Sustainable economy is represented by green urban planning, fair trade, etc.
Healthy lifestyle includes natural foods, organic, vegetarian, etc.
Alternative healthcare includes homeopathy, natural medicine, acupuncture, etc.
Personal development includes spirituality, yoga, meditation, art, etc.
Ecological lifestyle includes eco-friendly housing, clean alternative energy, etc.
As an agrivoltaics (solar-sharing) business professional, I am personally convinced that clean energy, food, and stress-free living are and will always be in the center of our times.
My work and personal life are in sync with SHAPE, and I enjoy the LOHAS way of life.